STAR WARS: EPISODE IV – A NEW HOPE – Narrative/Storytelling

[1. Select a full-length film and identify the title, writer, director, major actors and the year it was released.]


Writer: George Lucas

Director: George Lucas

Year: 1977

Actors: Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Harrison Ford (Han Solo), Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia Organa), Alec Guinness (Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi), James Earl Jones (Voice of Lord Darth Vader)

[2. Summarize the story and plot of your chosen movie.]

Story: The story concerns a young farm boy from Tatooine named Luke Skywalker who discovers that the used robot recently purchased by his family plays back a message from one Princess Leia, begging for help from Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luke asks his father’s friend Ben Kenobi about this, and he discovers that Ben and Obi-Wan are one and the same. Kenobi tells Luke of the battle of the rebels against the ruling Empire and the spiritual energy called “The Force.” Soon Luke, Kenobi, and a mercenary named Han Solo join forces and set out on an adventure to rescue Princess Leia from the Empire, and attempt to destroy the Empire’s vast warship, the Death Star, controlled by the evil Darth Vader.

Plot: Star Wars: A New Hope opens with a Rebel ship being boarded by Lord Darth Vader of the Galactic Empire (Setup). The plot then shifts to the life of a simple farm boy, Luke Skywalker. He and his newly met allies (Han Solo, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi, C-3PO, R2-D2) attempt to rescue the Rebel leader, Princess Leia, from the clutches of the tyrannical Galactic Empire (Confrontation). The conclusion is peaked as the Rebels, including Skywalker, make an attack on the Empire’s most dominant and threatening weapon, the Death Star.

[3. Discuss whether your film is presented chronologically or non-linearly. In your discussion, address the following:

a. How did this aesthetic choice contribute to the general effect on the audience?]

Chronology: The film was told in chronological order. This helped make the ending of the film more climactic, because throughout the film you watch as Luke Skywalker and his allies try to stop the tyrannical Empire. It makes the resolution more action-packed and exciting when Luke Skywalker discovers “the force” and destroys the Empire’s deadly Death Star.

[b. How are elements like character development or foreshadowing impacted by the choice of storytelling methods?]

The chronological story telling also helped to develop the character of Luke Skywalker as we got to see his process of wanting to become something more than just a farmer, to someone who comes to make a difference to an entire galaxy.

[4. If the film had followed a different presentation style, how would the general effect on the audience have been different?]

Had the film been told non-linearly, the end of the film wouldn’t have had the exciting impact that it did. It would have greatly changed the character development of Luke, Han, Princess Leia, and Kenobi. The viewer wouldn’t have been able to sympathize with many of these characters as they journeyed through self-discovery and battled with their destinies.


Kurtz, G., (Producer), Lucas, G., (Director). (1977). STAR WARS: EPISODE IV – A NEW HOPE. [Motion picture]. United States: 20th Century Fox

MoviesHistory. (2009, April 12). Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope – Official Trailer [1977] [Video file]. Retrieved from

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